BitPetro Loading

Land Services

  • Land acquisition and management
  • Title Research for M&A
  • Mineral & Royalty Acquisitions 
  • Farm -outs Negotiations
  • Off-take Acquisitions

GIS Technology

  • Maps
  • Dashboards
  • Analysis 
  • Reporting

BitPetro provides the market-wide ability to rapidly search, select, purchase, assemble, and manage data sets.
This builds the underlying data infrastructure for the geospatial intelligence necessary for operations.

Sample Projects:

BitPetro US Energy

Demonstration Map of the US Energy Infrastructure.


The goal of this project is to bring Bitcoin awareness to those who can benefit most - avg citizens, not Wall St Follow to learn about #Bitcoin and why it's better than endless money printing and stimulus check hopes

BitPetro Wind Energy

Master Map of the US Wind Energy Infrastructure


BTCvsFED billboards by @Cryptograffiti against Median Household Income Boundaries

Competitive Land Acquisition for Energy and Bitcoin Operations

We negotiate the purchase of land, gas, and grid power for our clients mining Bitcoin. By facilitating the acquisition of land and power to mine Bitcoin, we can help Miners keep their energy costs to a minimum.

Gas producers can partner directly with us in order to monetize their stranded gas.
The energy generated from natural gas can net Upstream and Midstream operators a guaranteed income stream even without existing pipelines in place. 

We can source the Bitcoin ASICs through our existing distribution channels and OEMs.
We can also negotiate power purchase agreements through our energy broker partners.

Bitcoin Services

  • Business Custody Education
  • Operational Security Support
  • Cashflow Analysis 
  • Reporting

BitPetro provides education and support to Energy companies Bitcoin management in daily operations.
This method of cash flow management with Bitcoin operational carries risks but can act as a significant hedge against inflation.

Bitcoin Links

The Original White Paper

Glassnode Dashboard chain metrics for technical and fundamental analysis

Educational Resources list by bitcoin expert Jameson Lopp.

The Nakamoto Institute collection of Satoshi’s writings and other bitcoin-related editorials.

Bitcoin Mining where do bitcoins come from?

The Bitcoin Standard a must read.



“Bitcoin can be best understood as distributed software that allows for the transfer of value using a currency protected from unexpected inflation without relying on trusted third parties” ~ Saifedean Ammous, The Bitcoin Standard